A snowy day at my house, it's so tranquil! Then I come out and trample all over the place! >=)
In my town, there's a park with a fountain in it. I like fountains.
The oh-so-powerful BATTLE FAN!! I hit people on the internet with this whenever they say or do something stupid, along
with saying "Baka!"
It's me in my Skullroo costume! Aren't I cute? ^_^
Sorry that this one has those bars of darkness. It was the best out of the four pictures that I took. Anyway, I caught
3 coelacanth in about an hour in acre F-5.
After I sold the living fossils, 3 Barred Knifejaw, and 4 Red Snappers, I had 155,939 bells! This rules!
Me and my nifty GBA SP! Behold its power!
PLUSHIES! ^_^ These are Sarah, Garfield, Silver, and Fluffy!
It's my kitty costume! Fear the kitty! =^.^=
Here's my little, eternally hungry, beagle Keli... hope springs eternal!
My GIR Plushie! *huggle*
ChibiTell's bedroom. Fear and loathing.
It's the pile of candy from my trick-or-treating bounty! And it's all mine! *clutches it protectively*
I went to Nook to sell these biiig fishes, and my current 83,939 bells becomes...
An old haircut of mine... still nifty though.
Me with my now-trademark bandanna.
It's time to DUEL! Me with my Duel Disk toy. ^_^
Spunky, my resident ferret, Cilucu, the acorn-crazed raccoon, Sully and Stitch. So what if I like Disney movies?
I look so unbelievably gangsta in this pic.
Aww, I was so cute. My brother says I look like Selphie from FF8.