You know who you are, but I'll throw you on here anyway. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you shouldn't be here
A Shoutouts page lets me say hello and share a few inside jokes over the web.
Hey Thy, what's up? When are you on AIM, I almost never see
you on. Let's get on Neopets and battle sometime. Drop me a line, e-mail, Paper Mario Social, whatever!
The Vincifruit Forums People
Yep, this is for all of you! You guys rock! ...Okay, I don't
really know what else to put here, so DONUTS FOR EVERYONE! *tosses Krispy Kremes all over* *looks around* Someone's got to
clean those up if they don't get them...
What's up, Nate-man? I think we should start our own two-man group!
I'll bang randomly on the keyboard, you pound on the drum machine, and we'll call it music! XD! How about Ixi-Kicked?